Stand Up! delivers educational workshops, lectures and interactive programmes to students aged 12-18. Facilitators offer a fluid approach to adapting sessions, always aiming to meet students’ specific needs and the school’s social and cultural context. Each workshop is age appropriate and all workshops are offered free of charge. See our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy here.

These are unique adult training seminars on discrimination, which can be tailored specifically to the adults in an organisation. For teachers, the training has a specific focus on addressing antisemitic and anti-Muslim rhetoric in schools. It provides teachers with knowledge and skills to understand and recognise racism in the school context and learn how to proactively tackle it. This is delivered online on a rolling basis every few months and can also be delivered to all adults in a specific organisation.
Through interfaith leadership training, 100 students from ten participating schools in London learn to create, develop and deliver social action projects with a focus on discrimination in their schools and communities. The schools who take part are a diverse range of state, private, faith and non-faith schools, giving students an opportunity to cross boundaries, meet and get to know others whilst creating their own meaningful projects.