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'This Jewish woman and Muslim woman teach schoolkids about racism'

[February 2019]

In the last two years, Stand Up! has run seminars for more than 10,000 students in 55 schools around the UK. The classroom is full but attentive, with the students, aged 14 and 15, sitting in chairs arranged in a horseshoe shape. In front of them are two young women; Zaynab Albadry, who is Muslim, and Roxana Jebreel, who is Jewish.

The workshop session they are conducting is highly interactive. “Nine parts of people’s identity are protected by the 2010 Equality Act,” Ms Jebreel says, discussing the UK’s main legislation codifying anti-discrimination law. “We’re going to ask you to form groups and try to work out what those nine aspects of identity might be.”

- The Jewish Chronicle



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